Pauline Vallance will entertain you!

Welcome! Thanks for coming by – I am always happy to get a visit from long-time fans and new friends. Check out my performance schedule, artist bios, and current news to get the scoop. Most recent album The World's a Gift RELEASED on 30th September 2022! See shop.php for details of how to buy this and previous albums. "A gift that keeps on giving"
"Delightful and convivial on so many levels" (Springthorpe Village Hall)
Contact me here contact-pauline-vallance.php

My approach is to provide a variety of songs which will be meaningful to different people and also for me and the audience to have fun! I play a beautiful traditional instrument, but I like to write songs about contemporary subjects that mean something to me and will strike a chord (!) with others aswell.
Testimonials about my first CD 'Songs, Spells and Salsa Moves'
"Original and beautifully sung."
"It has everything I look for in music to bring to my life."